Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the day after the election I took off to New York to help my buddy Johnny move back to California. It was great to fly from L.A. to N.Y. after such a historic election. Everybody was giving each other hi-fives, smiling. The optimism, even in this economy is electric. starting point...Tarrytown, New York.

it resides on the Hudson
The Fall is beautiful on the East Coast
made my way into Brooklyn
tried to nap in the Library

Williamsburg, Friday Morning
New Jersey

cheap gas, pork chops and leather jackets
Maryland or Virginia

really good band in the middle of the day

Oklahoma, who looks tougher?
ahhh, Amarillo Texas.
home of the 72 ounce steak. Eat it in under an hour and its free.

a politically incorrect trio for Halloween!
speaking of politics... thank God, thank America & thank you President Barack Obama!

Monday, November 3, 2008

save the moose from moose stew!
I used to like moose. they annoy me now.