Jack Fischer Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of a solo show by Los Angeles based painter, Scott Yeskel. A rich marriage of abstraction and the representational, Yeskel’s work always springs from the same source: the urban landscape of Southern California and its sprawling outskirts of mountains, freeways and airports.
The sights are familiar to most Californians: taco trucks, Airstream trailers, and old Volvos parked outside Spanish tiled condos with requisite palm trees. In part, these represent the sheer ubiquity of cars and other vehicles in that vast, dry terrain, so often traversed on four wheels. Sometimes Yeskel depicts the difficulties of this peripatetic lifestyle with paintings of traffic jams, car crashes, and a thick, hazy smog that his palette captures faultlessly. But there is also a hint of romanticism there. This is especially true of the abstracts, which possess a real sense of grace and rationality. Their titles betray, however, that they are of the same provenance: Bridge View, Presidio, Desert Highway.
Scott Yeskel possesses a B.F.A from the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. This will be his second solo show at the Jack Fischer Gallery.
The show will open on the 7th of July, with an opening reception for the artist on Saturday the 9th from 3:00 to 5:00. Mapping California will remain on view until August 20th.